Welcome to the blog!

This space is where I share everything from new recipes, to adventures with my husband, and of course all things vegan. I love getting to know my readers so feel free to comment on the posts! Thanks for reading I look forward to engaging with all you!


Recipes Jennifer Piper Recipes Jennifer Piper

Black Bean Burger

These black bean burgers are a wonderful addition to your recipe collection. Not only are they absolutely delicious but they are so easy to make. They only require 3 ingredients and the basic everyday house hold spices. They are great for meal prep because they hold up wonderfully in the freezer. Give these burgers a try year round. They will not disapoint. 

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Recipes Jennifer Piper Recipes Jennifer Piper

Eggplant Pizza

The best part about this recipe is that its what I like to call an assembly meal. Assembly meals are meals that can me made from ingredients used in other meals. For this recipe you will need marinara sauce, pre-made whole wheat pizza crust, kale, eggplant, and caramelized onions. Although these toppings are what I choose, keep in mind that pizzas can be topped with anything and personalized with the topping you like or simply need to get out of the fridge. This eggplant marinade is super simple to make and so delicious that it fits a wide variety or other veggies too. This recipe wont disappoint. Joe loved it and I'm sure you will too. I'd love to see your pizzas and know what you think. Comment below and tag me on social media!!

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Recipes Jennifer Piper Recipes Jennifer Piper

Vegan Pad Thai

  1. Saute veggies with coconut oil; Season your veggies; note that salt is not necessary because of the liquid amino and rice vinegar. Cover veggies for 5 min.
  2. Add liquid amino, chili paste, honey to the veggies to create a sauce. Cover for 5 min
  3. Stir in rice noodles into the vegetables and sauce. Allow noodles to soak in flavor for 5 min. 
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Personal Jennifer Piper Personal Jennifer Piper

Mini Vacay to Vegas

On Friday night we went to Mandalay Bay and ate at Bay-side Buffet. The food was delicious. There was an entire salad and dessert bar separate from the main dishes. Much to my surprise there were a bunch of vegan options; I packed my plates so high. Notice I said plates in that last sentence, as in I ate soooo much food. After dinner we toured the hotel, then hung about the strip for awhile. Vegas honestly is the city that never sleeps. We got an entire pizza pie at 2AM. 

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Personal Jennifer Piper Personal Jennifer Piper

Celebrating the Small Stuff.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people wont feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

— Marianne Williamson

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Recipes Jennifer Piper Recipes Jennifer Piper

Vegan Valentine's Day | Chocolate Strawberries

Love is in the air and chocolate is on my mind. As we all know Valentines Day is almost here. Its a time when we can express love and appreciation for our loved ones most specifically our partners. Chocolate covered strawberries have always been a Valentines Day must for me. Even when I was single I'd just make them for myself and get comfy on the couch, watching my favorite love movies and crying my eyes out with a plate full of them.

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Personal Jennifer Piper Personal Jennifer Piper

Motivational Monday | Mirror of Motivation D.I.Y.

This year I plan to align myself with my vision. I'm using certain tools that I feel are helpful reminders to assist me on staying on path with my vision. Because of this, I'm extending my motivation to you through Motivational Monday post!! The first Monday of Every month I'll be posting helpful tips and inspirational outlooks for going after goals and being steadfast toward your vision. Hopefully you all enjoy these Motivational Monday post and it becomes something that I continue to do over the years! Enjoy!

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Recipes Jennifer Piper Recipes Jennifer Piper

Cauliflower Buffalo Wings

Super bowl Sunday is almost here and why not bring something healthy and delicious to the party. These "wings" are quick and easy to make with very little clean up but an extremely high reward!! Whether your vegan or just trying to incorporate a healthier option into your Super Bowl fun you'll love these wings. They make for a great appetizer and I promise they won't last long! Enjoy!! Tell me what you think in the comments below

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Recipes Jennifer Piper Recipes Jennifer Piper

Cauliflower Steak

This recipe is simple and extremely easy to make!! Great for those week nights when you don't feel like doing anything special in the kitchen. The prep time for this steak is about five minutes which is exactly how long it'll take to devour it off of your plate! If you like cauliflower and your looking for a new spin to test out on it, this recipe is definitely for you!! Enjoy!! 

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