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This space is where I share everything from new recipes, to adventures with my husband, and of course all things vegan. I love getting to know my readers so feel free to comment on the posts! Thanks for reading I look forward to engaging with all you!


Health Jennifer Piper Health Jennifer Piper

Three Week Liquid Challenge

Whenever I'm trying to get my body back to an overall healthy state I start off with what I consider to be the easiest. I eliminate all the things I've been drinking that hasn't necessarily been the best for me. It's a small step but it makes a pretty big improvement especially on the skin. By all things, I mean everything that isn't good for you, not just soda, but those juices that are from concentrate and the ones that contain corn syrup too. It's hard to figure out which store-bought juices are good for you so if you're not 100% sure it's best to eliminate all of them. Even Naked drinks have preservatives that I wouldn't necessarily like to ease on down daily so it's best to eliminate it all!

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Health Jennifer Piper Health Jennifer Piper

Helpful Tips to Increase Your Daily Water Intake

Everyone knows that water is good for you. The thing is, it tastes like nothing and let's be honest, who really wants to drink nothing? It's easy for some people to gulp down a big glass on nothing but for the rest of us, it can be a bit challenging. I've shared a few tips and tricks down below to help you increase your nothing intake by half!! First, let's get into a few reasons drinking why water is beneficial. *Water information courtesy of Web MD*

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Health Jennifer Piper Health Jennifer Piper

JITLI - Day Five.

First, I'm super proud of myself for completing this cleanse. Overall I feel like its done its job in rebooting my body to craving healthier fruits and vegetables. I enjoyed the juice varieties I got to experiment with even though I didn't enjoy all of them. Lets get into these last three juices.

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Health Jennifer Piper Health Jennifer Piper

JITLI - Day Four.

Veggie Champagne. I really enjoyed this juice however I did make few minor changes. Instead of 1/2 a cauliflower head, I used 1/4 because I wanted to make some cauliflower wings later on in the week. Plus, I figured it couldn't hurt much because the cauliflower was huge. I didn't add the sparkling water because it was optional but overall it was yummy. I'd definitely try this juice again super refreshing.

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Health Jennifer Piper Health Jennifer Piper

JITLI - Day Three.

Before I get into these juices I decided to keep it REAL with you guys. Today was horrible juice day.  I woke up feeling really questionable. I felt tired, weak, hungry but not. My stomach was bubbling but I couldn't poop; it was rough y'all. I realized I haven't had a bowel movement since Day 1 and I was expecting the cleanse to help me go regularly so I was disappointed about that. I felt like maybe I was doing the cleanse wrong. 

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Health Jennifer Piper Health Jennifer Piper

JITLI - Day Two.

Sunrise Juice. I'm starting to realize that I don't like sweet potato juice at all. Although this juice had a lot of sweet potato, of course I drunk it (not wasting these coin$$). This is my second favorite juice of Day 2 but only because I had to drink the 2nd portion of the creamsicle juice (3 sweet potatoes -__-) which was definitely my least favorite of all especially after it sat in the fridge for 2 days.

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Health Jennifer Piper Health Jennifer Piper

JITLI - Day One.

Hawaiian Tropic Green Juice. This Juice is hands down my number 1 juice for Day 1. It wasn't extremely sweet. All of the flavors worked together to make for a very clean smooth juice. I will definitely be incorporating this juice into one of my staple juices for sure

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Health Jennifer Piper Health Jennifer Piper

Juice it to Lose it.

Despite what some of you may think this is my first cleanse so I look forward to the experience. I'm gonna be open and honest about my opinions on this experience as well as the feelings I have toward these juices. 

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Recipes, Health Jennifer Piper Recipes, Health Jennifer Piper

I Got The Juice.

She loved the prep work and decided to turn the entire thing into a photo shoot. Being that shes taken so many awesome photos before I figured it would be great to collaborate with her on this. Be sure to check out her amazing site as well. The pictures came out awesome as you can see below!! 

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