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This space is where I share everything from new recipes, to adventures with my husband, and of course all things vegan. I love getting to know my readers so feel free to comment on the posts! Thanks for reading I look forward to engaging with all you!


Recipes Jennifer Piper Recipes Jennifer Piper

Vegan Apple Pie | @thegreenbeingbakery EXCLUSIVE

First, let me say that this recipe is fool proof. It is sooo easy to make and even easier to eat. Take this with you to any holiday party and you'll be the star of the show. Apple pies hold a special place in my heart because its the first pie I've ever made. Now its also the first vegan pie I've ever made. There will certainly be more to come. If you're in love with this recipe but don't wanna make it your self just hire me!! Place an order with The Green Being Bakery

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Personal Jennifer Piper Personal Jennifer Piper

Wedding Planning: Day of Itineraries for the Bride & Groom

Try multitasking as much as possible during the pre-ceremony time. For example, I will be getting my hair and make up done at the same time. I will also order lunch during this time and eat in between getting ready. If you have bridesmaids that will be getting their hair and makeup done with you before the ceremony, make sure to give them an expected time of arrival. Also, after consulting my stylist, she recommended 30 min prep times for hair and makeup. Keep that in mind also. Only you know exactly how you want your day to be so take some time to run through each section mentally and assign time stamps that work for you.

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Personal Jennifer Piper Personal Jennifer Piper

Vegan Thanksgiving!

So now that ya'll know what I'm bringing, I'm gonna tell ya'll what I hope other people are gonna bring LOL. Yes, I'm that person that plans my plate out ahead of time. I wanna see some candied yams, collards and kales, dinner rolls, lentil loaf, and mushroom steaks. YESSS and for dessert, I wanna see some cookies, apple pie -which I may make- ,  and sweet potato pie! Oh! add salads too like pasta, or greens.

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Personal Jennifer Piper Personal Jennifer Piper

Sturtevant Falls

The hike was pretty breezy in the beginning. Especially since it was mainly down hill. Once the hike actually begins, its really nice and pretty steady pace. There are a bunch of cabin homes along the trail that people can actually rent and stay inn. I can understand why you'd want to but we literally saw a lady hiking to her cabin with frame almost as big as her. All I'm saying... well... typing is that you'd have to really love hiking to stay in one of those cabins. 

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Recipes Jennifer Piper Recipes Jennifer Piper

Best Vegan Pancakes Ever

These vegan pancakes are the best vegan pancakes ever. They are moist, healthy, and delicious. Using wheat flour, kemon juice, and agave tie the batter together to create the best cakes ever made in a pan.

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Recipes Jennifer Piper Recipes Jennifer Piper

Healthy 6 Ingredient Granola

This granola is the fastest and yummiest recipe out there. It takes all of 20 minutes to make. It's super healthy and delicious. Use this recipe for yummy parfaits, acai bowls,  fruit salads, and any other wonderful meals you can think of.

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Health Jennifer Piper Health Jennifer Piper

Three Week Liquid Challenge

Whenever I'm trying to get my body back to an overall healthy state I start off with what I consider to be the easiest. I eliminate all the things I've been drinking that hasn't necessarily been the best for me. It's a small step but it makes a pretty big improvement especially on the skin. By all things, I mean everything that isn't good for you, not just soda, but those juices that are from concentrate and the ones that contain corn syrup too. It's hard to figure out which store-bought juices are good for you so if you're not 100% sure it's best to eliminate all of them. Even Naked drinks have preservatives that I wouldn't necessarily like to ease on down daily so it's best to eliminate it all!

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Health Jennifer Piper Health Jennifer Piper

Helpful Tips to Increase Your Daily Water Intake

Everyone knows that water is good for you. The thing is, it tastes like nothing and let's be honest, who really wants to drink nothing? It's easy for some people to gulp down a big glass on nothing but for the rest of us, it can be a bit challenging. I've shared a few tips and tricks down below to help you increase your nothing intake by half!! First, let's get into a few reasons drinking why water is beneficial. *Water information courtesy of Web MD*

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Personal Jennifer Piper Personal Jennifer Piper

California vs. Carolina Should We Stay or Should We Go?

LA is also better for business. Because the vegan community is so large here, I feel like its the perfect place to start my bakery. Well, my bakery is already started actually. Place an order why don't you! Since I've been here my demand has definitely gone up. In 2016 I literally only made one $5 sale and that was to my cousin. This year, I've made $210 bucks and the years not even over yet. Grant it, I have gotten way better at marketing myself this year compared to the previous, that's still a big frigging profit jump. Plus, being an entrepreneur here feels a bit easier. Plus the vegan scene is bigger. I can't stress that enough. 

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