New Beginnings | Goals For 2017

2016 was an awesome year! I'd met some wonderful people and worked at some truly awesome places but 2017 feels like its going to be an even better year. So many things has happened this year already!! I got in engaged and literally drove to the other side of United States! Crazy Right?! Moving to a completely new state with my Fiance has opened my perspective to how big this world truly is. Along the way I managed to knock 2 things off my bucket list. Thing 1: I drove on Route 66! It was on my list since I was a child, I must've seen someone do it in a movie and decided I wanna do that one day, Don't ask, kids are weird. Thing 2: I saw the Grand Canyon and boy was it Grand!! It went on for miles like it had no end. The experience was so awesome that we're gonna go back in the summer and do the helicopter ride. Driving through Arizona was one of the most beautiful and most gracious out of all the states we'd encountered. The rest of the trip was filled with rain, hail, wind, and pot holes I'd say. 

This year feels different to me in a way. It's time to stop battling my self for what I want and actually just go for what I want. This is the year of, I Will! I will become a successful Healthy Lifestyle blogger and YouTube personality that owns a successful online bakery that ships vegan desserts nation wide. My goals by the end of the year are big but they are not unattainable. I'm learning the power of positive thinking I can attract positive outcomes. By reaching for my goals they become closer and closer to becoming fulfilled. 

This year I encourage all of you to set your eyes on the prize. You can get whatever you want out of this world. You simply have to believe its yours. Yes, I am aware of how Peter Pan that just sounded but its true. As children of the Lord we are Kings and Queens which is easy to forget when going about a worldly day. My challenge to myself and you is to remember where your source is and understand that with Him all things are possible. I'm writing my goals for 2017 in belief that every single one will come to pass. Share your 2017 Goals I'd love to read all about them! Be Blessed and stay stress free!!

  • Grow Spiritually

  • Become more outgoing

  • Join a community garden

  • Grow my YouTube Channel (+100,000)/consistent post

  • Blog consistently (3x weekly)

  • Grow Financially

  • Open my online bakery

  • Ship 1st order successfully

  • Workout (4-5x weekly)

  • Community Service

  • Become Debt free

  • Mentor/Mentee

  • Be a better Spouse

  • Graduate College

  • Explore LA

  • Start planning my WEDDING!!!


Wedding Planning Overload


Avocado Toast